Supreme Court of Virginia
Contact and Operational Information
Clerk of Court
Muriel-Theresa Pitney
Chief Deputy Clerk
William “Basil” Tsimpris
Senior Deputy Clerk
Jody James-Woods
Deputy Clerk I
Melissa B. Layman
Deputy Clerk II
Ervina Pajalic
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday | 8:15 AM - 4:45 PM
(804) 786-2251
P.O. Box 1315
100 North Ninth Street, 5th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219-1315
Although the Supreme Court of Virginia possesses both original and appellate jurisdiction, its primary function is to review decisions of lower tribunals. Virginia does not allow an appeal to the Supreme Court as a matter of right except in cases involving the State Corporation Commission and certain disciplinary actions against attorneys.
The Court's original jurisdiction is limited to cases of habeas corpus (ordering one holding custody of a detained person to show custody is proper), mandamus (ordering the holder of an office to perform his duty), prohibition (ordering a lower court, tribunal, or quasi-judicial body to refrain from improperly taking jurisdiction), and actual innocence (based on biological testing). The Supreme Court also has original jurisdiction in matters filed by the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission relating to judicial censure and retirement, and removal of judges.
Chief Justice
- The Honorable S. Bernard Goodwyn
Expiration of term: January 31, 2032
- The Honorable S. Bernard Goodwyn
- The Honorable Cleo E. Powell
Expiration of term: July 31, 2035 - The Honorable D. Arthur Kelsey
Expiration of term: January 31, 2027 - The Honorable Stephen R. McCullough
Expiration of term: March 2, 2028 - The Honorable Teresa M. Chafin
Expiration of term: August 31, 2031 - The Honorable Wesley G. Russell Jr.
Expiration of term: June 30, 2034 - The Honorable Thomas P. Mann
Expiration of term: July 31, 2034
- The Honorable Cleo E. Powell
Senior Justices
- The Honorable LeRoy F. Millette, Jr.
- The Honorable William C. Mims
The Office of Chief Staff Attorney performs several functions. First, the members of the Office of Chief Staff Attorney review all cases assigned to the Office for compliance with the Court’s procedural rules. Cases involving noncompliance with the Court’s procedural rules are presented to a Panel of Justices for consideration of disposition on procedural grounds. Second, Staff Attorneys assist the Court by providing in each appealed case, for consideration by a Panel of Justices, an analysis of the procedural history, issues, relevant facts and incidents of trial, the legal arguments propounded by the parties, and a recommendation for whether the petition for appeal should be granted or refused. Third, in cases filed in the Court's original jurisdiction, the Staff Attorneys prepare a proposed order addressing the issues in the case, all of which are presented to a Panel of Justices for consideration. Fourth, from time to time, the Staff Attorneys assist the Justices with rule drafting and special research and writing projects as the Justices may request. And, finally, the Office of the Chief Staff Attorney frequently participates in Court sponsored study commissions or training programs intended to improve the administration of justice.
The Staff Attorneys in the Office of Chief Staff Attorney, for conflict of interest reasons, are not permitted to engage in the outside practice of law. Therefore, Staff Attorneys cannot provide legal advice to litigants with cases pending before the Court or other persons seeking legal assistance about their specific cases or legal problems.
Contact Information
- Chief Staff Attorney - K. Lorraine Lord
Phone - (804) 786-2259
- Chief Staff Attorney - K. Lorraine Lord
In the late 1960’s, the rate of filings of appeals and petitions for writs of habeas corpus in the Supreme Court of Virginia increased dramatically. To meet the increased caseload, the Court created the position of Special Assistant to the Court to help process cases, and subsequently authorized the employment of a few Law Clerks by the Special Assistant to assist in case processing. In January 1979, the Court renamed the position of Special Assistant to the Chief Staff Attorney, and authorized the appointment of additional Law Clerks. In January 2002, further changes were made to the way the office operates. Among other things, the temporary Law Clerk positions were converted to full-time Staff Attorney positions, resulting in experienced attorneys assisting in the processing of cases filed with the Court. In addition, Staff Attorney specialist positions were created to provide expert assistance in key office functions. These positions include an Original Jurisdiction Supervisor, to assist in the production and review of habeas corpus and other original jurisdiction orders, and a Procedure Supervisor, to assist the Justices in reviewing filings for compliance with the Rules of Court, and a Special Projects Supervisor.
The Supreme Court of Virginia Case Status and Information
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- Appeals Granted
Cases are removed from this list after decisions are issued by the Court - Counsel in Decided Cases
Posted for most recently issued opinions
- Appeals Granted
Opinions By Date Issued (since 6/9/95)
The Supreme Court of Virginia releases opinions when deemed ready by the Justices and will typically be issued and posted on the Court’s website on a Thursday.
Recordings of Oral Arguments
For the last five (5) years and the current year.
Unpublished Orders for cases that were argued before the full court are posted to this page. Click on a case name to bring up further information about that appeal.
Petitions for Rehearing must be filed electronically unless being filed pro se by a prisoner or with leave of Court in accordance with the Rules of the Supreme Court applicable to such rehearings.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Provides basic information about the requirements of the ADA as they pertain to Virginia’s Judicial System, including how to request an accommodation.
Instructions for Qualification as a Corporate Counsel
Once the Clerk’s Office has received notification from the Virginia State Bar that you have met the requirements under Rule 1A:5, Part I to be licensed as a corporate counsel in Virginia, the Clerk’s Office will send you a letter containing information on qualifying before this Court. Follow the instructions contained in that letter to arrange your admission.
Please bring a photo ID to gain admission to the courthouse.
Instructions for Attorneys Arguing Granted Cases Before the Supreme Court of Virginia
Once this Court has granted review of your case before the full court and briefing (generally) has been completed, you will receive a notification in the mail concerning the approximate session at which you will argue. Once you have responded to that letter, you will receive a second letter containing information on the date and time your case is scheduled to be argued. Please follow the instructions in each letter.
On the day you are arguing, please plan to be in the courtroom no later than 8:45 a.m. as you must check-in with the deputy clerk and receive instructions.
Please note that no cell phones, pagers, laptops, electronic or other noise-making devices will be allowed into the courthouse. Effective September 9, 2013, with written permission of the Court, a personal computer may be used by counsel in the courtroom during oral arguments. Please refer to the Court's Computers in the Courtroom Policy for specific instructions.
Please bring a photo ID to gain admission to the courthouse.
Procedures for Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court
Last modified: February 16, 2006
If you are an attorney who is presently licensed in the Supreme Court of Virginia, and in good standing with the Virginia State Bar, you may request a Certificate of Good Standing from the Clerk's Office. That request needs to be made in writing to:
Supreme Court of Virginia, Clerk's Office
100 North 9th Street, 5th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219Please be sure to include your full name, Virginia State Bar number, check for $15.00 (made payable to Clerk, Supreme Court of Virginia) and a self addressed stamped envelope.
Once your request is received it will be processed and returned within three to five business days. If there is a need for an expedited certificate, please send your request with a commercial or express mail return envelope. Your request will be processed and returned within one business day. Please note that these times are approximate – not guaranteed – due to fluctuations in the number of requests received.
If you have any further questions, please call the Clerk's Office at 804-786-2251.
Supreme Court of Virginia Computers in the Courtroom Policy
Effective September 9, 2013, counsel presenting oral argument before the full Court, or a panel thereof, is permitted to bring into the courtroom or panel room a laptop, tablet, or other personal computer solely for use during the presentation of oral argument. The computer shall not be used to record any oral argument or other proceeding; shall not be used to take still photos or make a video recording; shall be in silent mode; shall not be used to "tweet," email, instant message, or otherwise communicate while in the courtroom or panel room; and shall not be used to access the Internet via any method. The computer must be kept in a case when not being used during counsel's argument. If counsel wishes to use a computer for this purpose, counsel must first request permission in writing from the Court at least 72 hours in advance of oral argument. The written permission received from the Court must be presented to the Capitol Police Officer when counsel arrives at the Supreme Court of Virginia building for oral argument. The Court reserves the right to deny such permission on any basis it deems reasonable.
- May 15, 2018 Presented to the Judicial Conference of Virginia
- June 1, 2018 Letter to members of the judiciary of the Commonwealth of Virginia
- May 16, 2017 Presented to the Judicial Conference of Virginia
- October 26, 2016 Presented to the Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Courts
- May 10, 2016 Presented to the Judicial Conference of Virginia
On November 13, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court’s electronic filing system will begin operation. While paper will remain the official form of filing as under existing practice, parties represented by counsel will also be required to submit most documents through the new electronic filing system. Attorneys who expect to file documents electronically will need to register in advance for the system. Additional information is available at