Foreign Language Services
Paul F. DeLosh, Director
(804) 786-6455
Language Administrators
(804) 786-6455
[email protected]
The mission of the Foreign Language Services Division (FLS) is to assist individuals with limited English proficiency in overcoming language limitations to ensure universal access to Virginia’s Judicial System. FLS provides interpretation and sight translation services, certifies, and hires highly trained interpreters, and sets and maintains the highest professional standards for the provision of language services.
The Judicial Council of Virginia has developed a process to certify persons serving as foreign language interpreters in court proceedings in the Commonwealth. The purpose of the certification program is to better ensure that language interpreters are competent to perform such services in a court environment.
The Office of the Executive Secretary has set standards that must be met for a candidate to be granted certification or qualification reciprocity in the state of Virginia.
Certification Reciprocity
If you are seeking certification reciprocity in one of the 18 languages that are certifiable by Virginia (Amharic, Arabic (Egyptian), Arabic (Levantine), Bosnian Croatian-Serbian, Cantonese, Filipino (Tagalog), French, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Khmer, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese), click the link below for more information.Qualification Reciprocity
If you are seeking qualification reciprocity in any language other than a certifiable language, mentioned above, click the link below for more information
Foreign language translations of certain court forms for informational purposes only. All forms filed with the court are required to be completed in English.
- DC-333 Financial Statement – Eligibility Determination for Indigent Defense Services (재무제표 - 빈곤층 변호 서비스를 위한 자격요건 결정)
- DC-334 Request for Appointment of a Lawyer (변호사 임명 요청서)
- DC-335 Waiver of Right to Representation by a Lawyer (변호사에 의한 대리에 대한 권리 포기서)
- DC-349 Notice of Opportunity to Hire Counsel and/or Ineligibility for Appointed Counsel; (Order) (피고인에게로의 변호인에 관한 통지)
- DC-333 Financial Statement – Eligibility Determination for Indigent Defense Services (BÁO CÁO TÀI CHÍNH – XÁC ĐỊNH KHẢ NĂNG HỘI ĐỦ ĐIỀU KIỆN NHẬN DỊCH VỤ BIỆN HỘ CHO NGƯỜI CÓ HOÀN CẢNH KHÓ KHĂN)
- DC-334 Request for Appointment of a Lawyer (YÊU CẦU CHỈ ĐỊNH LUẬT SƯ)
- DC-335 Waiver of Right to Representation by a Lawyer (KHƯỚC TỪ QUYỀN CÓ LUẬT SƯ ĐẠI DIỆN)
- DC-349 Notice of Opportunity to Hire Counsel and/or Ineligibility for Appointed Counsel; (Order) THÔNG BÁO CHO BỊ ĐƠN VỀ LUẬT SƯ ĐẠI DIỆN TẠI TÒA)
- DC-334 Request for Appointment of a Lawyer (PETICIÓN PARA NOMBRAMIENTO DE ABOGADO)
- DC-335 Waiver of Right to Representation by a Lawyer (RENUNCIA AL DERECHO DE REPRESENTACIÓN LEGAL)
- DC-349 Notice of Opportunity to Hire Counsel and/or Ineligibility for Appointed Counsel; Order) (NOTIFICACIÓN SOBRE LA OPORTUNIDAD DE CONTRATAR ABOGADO Y/O ELEGIBILIDAD PARA SERVICIOS DE ABOGADO DE OFICIO; (ORDEN)