Domestic Violence Programs and Services (DVPS)
A Hope Card is a laminated card, similar in size and shape to a credit card, that contains all the essential information about a civil protective order in a durable, easy-to-read format. It does NOT replace the existing protective order. Hope Cards are available only to holders of a final civil protective order issued in participating Virginia localities. As of July 1, 2022, all district and circuit courts in the Commonwealth of Virginia participate in the Hope Card Program.
I-CAN! Virginia is a free online program that provides assistance with the preparation of court forms required to file for a protective order. I-CAN! Virginia is also available in Spanish. I-CAN! Virginia brochures, posters, and business cards are available by calling the Department of Judicial Services at (804) 786-6455
Address Confidentiality Program
A confidential mail-forwarding service, managed by the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia, for victims of domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence, and human trafficking who have recently relocated.Domestic and Sexual Violence Crisis Centers by Locality
A directory, maintained by the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia, of all Virginia domestic and sexual violence crisis centers by locality.Federal and State Firearms Law: Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban
English| Spanish
Protective Orders in Virginia: A Guide for Victims
A brochure, produced by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, that provides summary information regarding family abuse and non-family abuse protective orders.Virginia Certified Batterer Intervention Programs
A directory of certified batterer intervention programs is available for download from the Virginia Batterer Intervention Program Certification Board.Virginia’s Judicial System Court Self Help: Protective Orders
Provides an overview of protective orders in Virginia and links to resources.Virginia Victim Notification Program (VINE)
The Virginia VINE System is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender’s custody status changes.Virginia VINE Protective Orders (VPO) provides free notifications about preliminary and permanent (final) protective orders, including when they have been served and expiration updates. To register, you must have your PO number, the city/county of issuance, and the name of the respondent. Registration is confidential.
What You Need to Know About Protective Orders
An information sheet that explains the different types of protective orders and answers frequently asked questions regarding how to prepare for a hearing and what to expect.