Guardians Ad Litem for Children
The Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia maintains a list of attorneys admitted to practice law in Virginia who satisfy the Standards to Govern the Appointment of Guardians Ad Litem for Children adopted by the Judicial Council of Virginia pursuant to Virginia Code § 16.1-266.1. This list of attorneys who are qualified to serve as guardians ad litem for children is made available online and is also distributed electronically to the juvenile and domestic relations districts courts.
The appointment of a GAL by a juvenile and domestic relations district court is mandatory in certain cases and permissive in others. Virginia Code § 16.1-266 provides that a juvenile and domestic relations district court shall appoint a GAL in any case involving a child who is:
- alleged to be abused or neglected.
- the subject of an entrustment agreement.
- the subject of a petition seeking termination of residual parental rights.
- the subject of a proceeding where the parent(s) seeks to be relieved of the child’s care or custody.
A juvenile and domestic relations district court shall also appoint a GAL in cases involving a child who is:
- the subject of a foster care plan review or a hearing to review the child’s status in foster care. Virginia Code § 16.1-281
- seeking emancipation. Virginia Code § 16.1-332
- the subject of a proceeding by parents seeking to commit an objecting minor, 14 years of age or older, to a psychiatric facility. Virginia Code § 16.1-339
- the subject of a petition for involuntary commitment. Virginia Code § 16.1-341
The court may appoint a GAL in other cases, which in the discretion of the court require a GAL. Virginia Code § 16.1-266. These include certain custody cases where parents or persons claiming custody are represented by counsel (Virginia Code § 16.1-266), as well as those cases in which a petition is filed by a juvenile seeking judicial authorization for a physician to perform an abortion (Virginia Code § 16.1-241).
The circuit court may appoint a GAL for a child in a custody, visitation or support case incident to divorce proceedings and in appeals of cases from the juvenile court.
- Performance Standards for Guardians Ad Litem for Children
Judicial Council Approved “Standards to Govern the Performance of Guardians Ad Litem for Children” - Qualification Standards for Guardians Ad Litem
Judicial Council Approved “Standards to Govern the Appointment of Guardians Ad Litem”
- Performance Standards for Guardians Ad Litem for Children
These forms are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. The Adobe Acrobat Viewer (free from Adobe) allows you to view and print PDF documents.
Guardian ad litem: Log-in to the Virginia State Bar’s Member’s Area to access the Guardian Ad Litem Information System for purposes of checking your guardian ad litem qualification status and continuing education history, certifying attendance at approved continuing education courses, and updating your contact information made available on the list of qualified guardians ad litem. (Note: Google Chrome is recommended when accessing the Guardian Ad Litem Information System). For instructions on its use, please access the GALIS Quick Guide
For the complete alphabetical listing of all qualified Guardians Ad Litem for Children in Virginia:
- Click on a District from the map.
- From the search criteria section, remove the pre-populated District number in the "District" field.
- Click Search.
- Advocacy in Motion: A Guide to Implementing the Standards to Govern the Performance of Guardians Ad Litem for Children
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Guardian Ad Litem Program for Children
- Handbook for Parents and Guardians in Child Dependency Cases - English
- Handbook for Parents and Guardians in Child Dependency Cases - Spanish
- Table of Appeals of Termination of Parental Rights Cases to the Court of Appeals of Virginia
- Timeline and Related Forms, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts, Child Abuse, Neglect and Foster Care Cases
- Advocacy in Motion: A Guide to Implementing the Standards to Govern the Performance of Guardians Ad Litem for Children